Red Hat Environment

If you are running Cekit in Red Hat internal infrastructure it behaves differently. This behavior is triggered by changing redhat configuration option in Cekit configuration file.


Cekit integration with following tools is changed in following ways:

  • runs rhpkg instead of fedpkg
  • runs odcs command with --redhat option set

Environment Variables

Following variables are added into the image:

  • JBOSS_IMAGE_NAME - contains name of the image
  • JBOSS_IMAGE_VERSION - contains version of the image


Following labels are added into the image:

  • name - contains name of the image
  • version - contains version of the image


In Red Hat we are using ODCS to access repositories for building our container images. To make our life little bit easier Cekit converts all Plain type repositories into ODCS ones. This assures we can perform reproducible builds of our images without any overrides or changes into image descriptors.

Example: Following Plain repository:

        - name: SCL
          id: rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms

will be automatically converted into following ODCS repository:

        - name: SCL
              pulp: rhel-server-rhscl-7-rpms