Common build parameters

Below you can find description of the common parameters that can be added to every build command.

Does not execute the actual build but let’s CEKit prepare all required files to be able to build the image. This is very handy when you want manually check generated content.

Allows to specify overrides content as a JSON formatted string, directly on the command line.

$ cekit build --overrides '{"from": "fedora:29"}' docker

Read more about overrides in the Overrides chapter.

This parameter can be specified multiple times.


In case you need to override more things or you just want to save the overrides in a file, you can use the --overrides-file providing the path to a YAML-formatted file.

$ cekit build --overrides-file development-overrides.yaml docker

Read more about overrides in the Overrides chapter.

This parameter can be specified multiple times.