Release Process

To release a new version of CEKit a number of steps must be taken.


Automated Process

The automated process uses to perform the correct steps. This is installed by the Pipfile development environment.

Manual Process (reference only)

  • Switch to master branch

  • Ensure you have the latest code: git reset --hard upstream/master

  • Merge develop: git merge develop -X theirs and in the commit message enter: Release <version>

  • Edit cekit/ file and put <next-version>, add that file and amend the previous commit.

  • Tag repository: git tag <version>

  • Push code to master: git push upstream master

  • Push tags: git push upstream --tags

  • Push a release to PyPi ( ) via make clean release (requires twine: which is also available as a RPM in Fedora)

  • Update version on develop to point to next major/minor release


    Note when you see line like this: Uploading distributions to enter blindly your username on PyPi and hit enter, it will ask you for password.

Final Steps