
It’s common for images to require external artifacts like jar files, installers, etc. In most cases you will want to add some files into the image and use them during image build process.

Artifacts section is meant exactly for this. CEKit will automatically fetch any artifacts specified in this section.

If for some reason automatic fetching of artifacts is not an option for you, you should define artifacts as plain artifacts and use the cekit-cache command to add the artifact to local cache, making it available for the build process automatically. See Artifact caching chapter.

Artifact features


All artifacts will be checked for consistency by computing checksum of the downloaded file and comparing it with the desired value. Currently supported algorithms are: md5, sha1, sha256 and sha512.

You can define multiple checksums for a single artifact. All specfied checksums will be validated.

If no algorithm is provided, artifacts will be fetched every time.

This can be useful when building images with snapshot content. In this case you are not concerned about the consistency but rather focusing on rapid development. We advice that you define checksum when your content becomes stable.

All artifacts are automatically cached during an image build. To learn more about caching please take a look at Artifact caching chapter.

Common artifact keys


Used to define unique identifier of the artifact.

The name key is very important. It’s role is to provide a unique identifier for the artifact. If it’s not provided, it will be computed from the resource definition, but we strongly suggest to provide the name keys always.

Value of this key does not need to be a filename, because it’s just an identifier used to refer the artifact. Using meaningful and unique identifiers is important in case when you want to use Overrides. It will make it much easier to refer the artifact and thus override it.


The output name for fetched resources will match the target attribute. If it is not defined then base name of the name attribute will be used. If it’s not provided either then base name of the path/URL will be used.

Below you can find a few examples.

    - name: jboss-eap-distribution

Target file name:

    - name: jboss-eap-distribution

Target file name: jboss-eap-distribution.

    - path:

Target file name:

md5, sha1, sha256, sha512

Checksum algorithms. These keys can be provided to make sure the fetched artifact is valid.

See section above about checksums.


Describes the artifact. This is an optional key that can be used to add more information about the artifact.

Adding description to artifacts makes it much easier to understand what artifact it is just by looking at the image/module descriptor.

  - path:
    md5: 9a5d37631919a111ddf42ceda1a9f0b5
    description: "Red Hat JBoss EAP 6.4.0 distribution available on Customer Portal:"

If CEKit is not able to download an artifact and this artifact has a description defined – the build will fail but a message with the description will be printed together with information on where to place the manually downloaded artifact so that the build could be resumed.

Artifact types

CEKit supports following artifact types:

  • Plain artifacts
  • URL artifacts
  • Path artifacts

Plain artifacts

This is an abstract way of defining artifacts. The only required keys are name and checksum. This type of artifacts is used to define artifacts that are not available publicly and instead provided by some (internal) systems.

This approach relies on Artifact caching to provide the artifact.

    - name: jolokia-1.3.6-bin.tar.gz
      md5: 75e5b5ba0b804cd9def9f20a70af649f
      target: jolokia.jar


See Red Hat environment for description how plain artifacts are used in the Red Hat environment.

URL artifacts

This is the simplest way of defining artifacts. You need to provide the url key which is the URL from where the artifact should be fetched from.


You should always specify checksums to make sure the downloaded artifact is correct.

    - name: jolokia-1.3.6-bin.tar.gz
      md5: 75e5b5ba0b804cd9def9f20a70af649f

Path artifacts

This way of defining artifacts is mostly used in development overrides and enables you to inject artifacts from a local filesystem.

    - name: jolokia-1.3.6-bin.tar.gz
      path: local-artifacts/jolokia-1.3.6-bin.tar.gz
      md5: 75e5b5ba0b804cd9def9f20a70af649f


If you are using relative path to define an artifact, path is considered relative to an image descriptor which introduced that artifact.

If an artifact is defined inside /foo/bar/image.yaml with a path: baz/ the artifact will be resolved as /foo/bar/baz/