Supported builder engines

CEKit supports following builder engines:

Docker builder

This builder uses Docker daemon as the build engine. Interaction with Docker daemon is done via Python binding.

Input format
Ask a builder engine to check and fetch latest base image
An image tag used to build image (can be specified multiple times)
Do not squash the image after build is done.

Building Docker image

$ cekit build docker

Docker environment variables

It is possible to use environment variables to let CEKit know where is the Docker daemon located it should connect to.

By default, if you do not specify anything, CEKit will try to use a locally running Docker daemon.

If you need to customize this behavior (for example when you want to use Docker daemon running in a VM) you can set following environment variables:


The DOCKER_HOST environment variable is where you specify where the Daemon is running. It supports multiple protocols, but the most widely used ones are: unix:// (where you specify path to a local socket) and tcp:// (where you can define host location and port).

Examples of DOCKER_HOST: unix:///var/run/docker.sock, tcp://

Depending how your daemon is configured you may need to configure settings related to encryption.

# Connect to a remote Docker daemon
$ DOCKER_HOST="tcp://" cekit build docker
You can set DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY to a non-empty value to indicate that the TLS verification should take place. By default certificate verification is disabled.
You can point DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variable to a directory containing certificates to use when connecting to the Docker daemon.

OSBS builder

This build engine is using rhpkg or fedpkg tool to build the image using OSBS service. By default it performs scratch build. If you need a proper build you need to specify --release parameter.

Input format
Perform an OSBS release build
Build tech preview image, see below for more information
Alternative user passed to build task
Do not wait for the task to finish
Use stage environment
Overrides the default koji target
Custom commit message for dist-git
Generate files and sync with dist-git, but do not execute build
Run build in non-interactive mode answering all questions with ‘Yes’, useful for automation purposes

Performing scratch build

$ cekit build osbs

Performing release build

$ cekit build osbs --release

Buildah builder

This build engine is using Buildah.


If you need to use any non default registry, please update /etc/containers/registry.conf file.

Input format
Ask a builder engine to check and fetch latest base image
An image tag used to build image (can be specified multiple times)

Build image using Buildah

$ cekit build buildah

Build image using Buildah and tag it as example/image:1.0

$ cekit build buildah --tag example/image:1.0

Podman builder

This build engine is using Podman. Podman will perform non-privileged builds so no special configuration is required.

Input format
Ask a builder engine to check and fetch latest base image
An image tag used to build image (can be specified multiple times)

Build image using Podman

$ cekit build podman

Build image using Podman

$ cekit build podman --pull