Installation instructions

We provide RPM packages for Fedora, CentOS/RHEL distribution. CEKit installation on other platforms is still possible via pip.

RPM packages are distributed via regular repositories in case of Fedora and the EPEL repository for CentOS/RHEL.


Currently packaged version is a snapshot release of the upcoming CEKit 3.0.


You can see latest submitted package updates submitted in Bodhi.


Make sure you read the dependencies chapter which contains important information about how CEKit dependencies are handled!



Supported versions: 29+.

CEKit is available from regular Fedora repositories.

dnf install cekit



Supported versions: 7.x

CEKit is available from the EPEL repository.

yum install epel-release
yum install cekit

Other systems

We strongly advise to use Virtualenv to install CEKit. Please consult your package manager for the correct package name.

To create custom Python virtual environment please run following commands on your system:

# Prepare virtual environment
virtualenv ~/cekit
source ~/cekit/bin/activate

# Install CEKit
# Execute the same command to upgrade to latest version
pip install -U cekit

# Now you are able to run CEKit
cekit --help


Every time you want to use CEKit you must activate CEKit Python virtual environment by executing source ~/cekit/bin/activate

If you don’t want to (or cannot) use Virtualenv, the best idea is to install CEKit in the user’s home with the --user prefix:

pip install -U cekit --user


In this case you may need to add ~/.local/bin/ directory to your $PATH environment variable to be able to run the cekit command.