Local development#

Developing image locally is an important part of the workflow. It needs to provide a simple way to reference parts of the image we changed. Executing a local build with our changes should be easily done too.

Module development#

Referencing customized modules#

CEKit enables you to use a work in progress modules to build the image by using its overrides system. As an example, imagine we have very simple image which is using one module from a remote Git repository, like this:

schema_version: 1

name: cekit/example-jdk8
version: 1.0
from: centos:7
description: "JDK 8 image"

    # Add a shared module repository located on GitHub. This repository
    # can contain several modules.
    - git:
        name: common
        url: https://github.com/cekit/example-common-module.git
        ref: master

# Install selected modules (in order)
  - name: jdk8
  - name: user

Now imagine, we have found a bug in its jdk8 module. We will clone the module repository locally by executing:

$ git clone https://github.com/cekit/example-common-module.git ~/repos/example-common-module

Then we will create overrides.yaml file next to the image.yaml with following content:

    - name: common
      path: /home/user/repo/cct_module

Now we can build the image with Docker using overridden module by executing:

$ cekit build --overrides-file overrides.yaml docker


Instead using an overrides you can use inline overrides too!

$ cekit build --overrides '{"modules": {"repositories": [{"name": "common", "path": "/home/user/repo/cct_module"}]}}' docker

When your work on the module is finished, commit and push your changes to a module repository so that other can benefit from it. Afterwards you can remove your overrides file and use the upstream version of the module again.


Below you can see suggestions that should make developing modules easier.

Always define name for module repositories#

We use the name key as the resource identifier in all places. If you do not define the name key yourself, we will generate one for you. This may be handy, but in cases where you plan to use overrides it may be much better idea to define them.

Lack of the name key in repositories definition may be problematic because CEKit would not know which repository should be overrides and instead overriding, a new module repository will be added. This will result in conflicting modules (upstream and custom modules have same name and version) and thus the build will fail.

Install order of modules matters#

It is very important to install modules in the proper order. Read more about it here.

Besides this, module install order matters at image development time too. If you are going to modify code of some module installed very early in the process, you should expect that the image build time will be much slower. Reason for this is that every step below this particular module installation is automatically invalidated, cache cannot be used and needs a full rebuild.

This varies on the selected builder engine, but is especially true for Docker.

Injecting local artifacts#

During module/image development there can be a need to use locally built artifact instead of a released one. The easiest way to inject such artifact is to use override mechanism.

Imagine that you have an artifact defined in following way:

    - name: jolokia
      md5: d31c6b1525e6d2d24062ef26a9f639a8
      url: https://maven.repository.redhat.com/ga/org/jolokia/jolokia-jvm/1.5.0.redhat-1/jolokia-jvm-1.5.0.redhat-1-agent.jar

You want to inject a local build of new version of our artifact. To archive it you need to create following override:

    - name: jolokia
      path: /tmp/build/jolokia.jar

Please note that the name key is used to identify which artifact we are going to override.

Whenever you override artifact, all previous checksums are removed too. If you want your new artifact to pass integrity checks you need to define checksum also in overrides in a following way:

    - name: jolokia
      md5: d31c6b1525e6d2d24062ef26a9f639a8
      path: /tmp/build/joloika.jar

Using Docker cache#

New in version 3.3.0.

Docker has support for caching layers. This is very convenient when you are developing images. It saves time by not rebuilding the whole image on any change, but instead it rebuilds layers that were changed only.

You can read more about it in Docker’s documentation.

In version 3.3.0 CEKit we optimized the way we generate Dockerfile making it much easier to fully leverage the caching mechanism.

In order to make most of this feature we strongly suggest to execute Docker build with the the --no-squash parameter. This will make sure that the intermediate layers won’t be removed. In other case, the squashing post-processing will take place and any intermediate layers will be cleaned afterwards effectively losing cached layers.

$ cekit build docker --no-squash


You need to be aware that rebuilding a Docker image numerous times with the --no-squash option will leave many dangling layers that could fill your Docker storage. To prevent this you need to remove unused images from time to time. The docker system prune -a command may be useful.


Please note that --no-squash switch may be only useful when developing the image. We strongly suggest to not use it to build the final image.