Is it running?

Now lets try running the image. As was shown in the preceeding example it is possible to obtain the image id through the podman images command. To ensure the local host machine can see the image the following command will map port 8080 to 32597.

$ podman run -p 32597:8080 localhost/my-example:1.0

When the image is built it is automatically tagged using the name key in the image descriptor combined with the version key. As the tomcat module that was specified earlier included a run command it will automatically start the Tomcat webserver.

Using your browser go to http://localhost:32597 ; if successful then the image is running correctly.

Note: if you want to interactively explore the new image use the following command:

$ podman run -it --rm localhost/my-example:1.0 /bin/bash


It is also possible to reference using the image id e.g. podman run -it --rm $(podman images -q | head -1) /bin/bash.

Once an interactive shell has been started on the image it is possible to verify the JDK has been installed e.g.

$ podman run -it --rm my-example:latest /bin/bash
[user@ff7b60ea4d7c ~]$ rpm -qa | grep openjdk-devel