
Behave test framework uses Gherkin language to describe tests.


If you are not familiar with Behave, we suggest you read the Behave documentation and the Gherkin language reference before reading this chapter. This will make it much easier to understand how to write tests.


To jump start you into Behave tests, consider the example below.

Feature: OpenShift SSO tests

  Scenario: Test if console is available
    When container is ready
    Then check that page is served
        | property | value |
        | port     | 8080  |
        | path     | /auth/admin/master/console/#/realms/master |
        | expected_status_code | 200 |

In this specific case, a container will be created from the image and after boot a http request will be made to the 8080 on the /auth/admin/master/console/#/realms/master context. A successful reply is expected (return code 200).

We think that this way of describing what to test is concise and very powerful at the same time.

Behave tests overview

Behave tests are defined in two parts: steps and features.


Feature files define what should be tested. A feature file can contain multiple scenarios grouped in features.

You can find a great introduction to feature files in the Behave documentation. We do not want to repeat it here. If you think something is missing or needs more explanation, please open a ticket.

Image vs. module features

In CEKit you write features to test images. But depending on the part of the image you write the test for, in many cases you will find that the test rather belongs to a module rather than the image itself. In our experience we see that this is the most common case.


CEKit makes it possible to colocate tests with image source as well as module source. Please take a look at the Test file locations section for more information where these should be placed.

Placing feature files together with modules makes it easy to share the feature as well as tests. Such tests could be run by multiple different images which use this particular module.


There is a limitation in sharing module tests, please refer to the issue fore more information.


Steps define what can be tested in scenarios. Steps are written in Python.

As with features, upstream documentation contains a section on steps. We suggest to read this, if it does not answer all your questions, let us know.


For information how you can write your own steps, please take a look at the Writing custom steps paragraph.

Default steps

CEKit comes with a list of build-in steps that are available for use in features. These steps are available in the steps repository.


We encourage you to add or extend these steps instead of maintaining your own fork. We are happy to review your contributions! 👍

We will be extending the default steps documentation to cover all available steps with examples. In the meantime we suggest to look at the source code itself.


Images can be tested by running:

$ cekit test behave

The most basic usage would be to run the test with just the --image parameter to specify which image should be tested.

$ cekit test --image example/test:1.0 behave



Try to generate available options.


For all available options, please use the --help switch.

  • --wip – Only run tests tagged with the @wip tag.

  • --steps-url – A git repository url containing steps for tests.

  • --steps-ref – A reference (branch or tag) in the steps repository to check out

  • --nameScenario name to be executed

  • --include-re – Regex of feature files which will be executed only

  • --exclude-re – Regex of feature files which will not be executed


In this section you can find some examples of frequently used tasks.

Running selected tests

CEKit makes it possible to run specific Scenario(s) only. To do it you need to run CEKit with --name <name of the test> command line argument.


--name switch can be specified multiple times and only the Scenarios matching all of the names are executed.

If you have following Scenario in your feature files:

Scenario: Check custom debug port is available
    When container is started with env
        | variable   | value |
        | DEBUG      | true  |
        | DEBUG_PORT | 8798  |
    Then check that port 8798 is open

Then you can instruct CEKit to run this test in a following way:

$ cekit test behave --name 'Check custom debug port is available'

Running selected features

CEKit also makes it possible to run specific feature(s) only. To do that, you need to run CEKit tests with --include-re <regex of selected feature files'> command line argument.

For example, if you have feature files with names like basic1.feature, basic2.feature, advance1.feature and advance2.feature, and you want to run only basic features, then you can instruct CEKit to run only the basic features in a following way:

$ cekit test behave --include-re basic


Here, 'basic' is the regex that tells CEKit to consider only those feature files which contain 'basic' in their name, for ex. basic1.feature.

Skipping tests


See Special tags paragraph.

If there is a particular test which needs to be temporally disabled, you can use @ignore tag to disable it.

For example to disable following Scenario:

Scenario: Check custom debug port is available
    When container is started with env
        | variable   | value |
        | DEBUG      | true  |
        | DEBUG_PORT | 8798  |
    Then check that port 8798 is open

You need to tag it with @ignore tag in a following way:

Scenario: Check custom debug port is available
    When container is started with env
        | variable   | value |
        | DEBUG      | true  |
        | DEBUG_PORT | 8798  |
    Then check that port 8798 is open

Skipping selected features

CEKit also makes it possible to skip specific feature(s). To do that, you need to run CEKit tests with --exclude-re <regex of selected feature files'> command line argument.

For example, if you have feature files with names like basic1.feature, basic2.feature, advance1.feature and advance2.feature, and you do not want to run the advance features, then you can instruct CEKit to skip the advance features in a following way:

$ cekit test behave --exclude-re advance


Here, 'advance' is the regex that tells CEKit to exclude those feature files which contain 'advance' in their name, for ex. advance1.feature.

Test collection

It is important to understand how CEKit is collecting and preparing tests.


Explain how tests are collected

Feature tags

CEKit selects tests to run using the Behave built-in tags mechanism.

Tags are in format: @TAG_NAME, for example: @jboss-eap-7.

Below you can find several examples how tags could be used for managing tests across a set of images:

Image tags

CEKit derives two feature tag names from the name of the image being tested:

  1. The image name itself (name key in image descriptor), and

  2. Everything before the first / in the image name, also known as image family.


If you test the jboss-eap-7/eap7 image, tests will be invoked with tags @jboss-eap-7 and @jboss-eap-7/eap7.

If --tag is specified, then the argument is used in place of the image name for the process above.


If you use --tag foo/bar parameter, then the tags used would be @foo and @foo/bar.

Special tags


This is very special tag used while developing a test. Its purpose is to to limit the tests to be run to a subset you are working on. To achieve this you should mark your in-development test scenarios with the @wip tag and execute tests with --wip parameter. All scenarios not tagged with @wip will be ignored.


If a Scenario or Feature is tagged with @ignore these tests will be skipped.

Writing Behave tests


Write introduction

Test file locations

There are a few places where your tests can be stored:

  1. tests directory next to the image descriptor

  2. tests directory next to the module descriptor

  3. tests directory in root of the module repository

The tests directory is structured as follows:


The tests/features directory is the place where you can drop your behave features.

The tests/steps directory is optional and contains custom steps for the specific image/module.

Writing features

The most important



Writing custom steps



Running developed tests

To be able to run only the test you develop you can either use the --name parameter where you specify the scenario name you develop or use the --wip switch.

In our practice we found that tagging the scenario with @wip tag and using the --wip switch is a common practice, but it’s up to you.