Setting up environment

We strongly advise to use Virtualenv to develop CEKit. Please consult your package manager for the correct package name. Currently within Fedora all the required packages are available as RPMs. A sample set of Ansible scripts that provide all pre-requisites for development are available here.

  • If you are running inside the Red Hat infrastructure then rhpkg must be installed as well.

To create custom Python virtual environment please run following commands on your system:

# Prepare virtual environment
virtualenv ~/cekit
source ~/cekit/bin/activate

# Install as development version
pip install -e <cekit directory>

# Now you are able to run CEKit
cekit --help

It is possible to ask virtualenv to inherit pre-installed system packages thereby reducing the virtualenv to a delta between what is installed and what is required. This is achieved by using the flag --system-site-packages (See here for further information).


Every time you want to use CEKit you must activate CEKit Python virtual environment by executing source ~/cekit/bin/activate

For those using ZSH a useful addition is Zsh-Autoswitch-VirtualEnv the use of which avoids the labour of manually creating the virtualenv and activating it each time ; simply run mkvenv --system-site-packages initially and then it is handled automatically then on.