Build process explained#

In this section we will go through the build process. You will learn what stages there are and what is done in every stage.

High-level overview#

Let’s start with a high-level diagram of CEKit.

CEKit simple build process diagram

Main input to CEKit is the image descriptor. It defines the image. This should be the definitive description of the image; what it is, what goes in and where and what should be run on boot.

Preparation of the image CEKit divides into two phases:

  1. Generation phase

    Responsible for preparing everything required to build the image using selected builder.

  2. Build phase

    Actual build execution with selected builder.

Result of these two phases is the image.

Let’s discuss it in details.

Build process in details#

As mentioned above the CEKit build process is divided into two phases:

  1. Generation phase

  2. Build phase

In this section we will go through these phases in detail to see what’s happening in each. Below you can find diagram that shows what is done from beginning to the end when you execute CEKit.

CEKit build process diagram

The build process is all about preparation of required content so that the selected builder could create an image out of it. Depending on the builder, this could mean different things. Some builders may require generating Dockerfiles, some may require generating additional files that instruct the builder itself how to build the image or from where to fetch artifacts.

Reading image descriptor#

In this phase the image descriptor is read and parsed. If the description is not in YAML format, it won’t be read.

Next step is to prepare an object representation of the descriptor. In CEKit internally we do not work on the dictionary read from the descriptor, but we operate on objects. Each section is converted individually to object and validated according to the schema for the section.

This is an important step, because it ensures that the image descriptor uses correct schema.

Applying overrides#

Applying overrides is the next step. There can be many overrides specified. Some of them will be declared on CLI directly, some of them will be YAML files. We need to create an array of overrides because the order in which overrides are specified matters.

Each override is converted into an object too, and yes, you guessed it – it’s validated at the same time.

Last thing to do is to apply overrides on the image object we created before, in order.

Preparing modules#

Next thing to do is to prepare modules. If there are any module repositories defined, we need to fetch them, and read. In most cases this will mean executing git clone command for each module repository, but sometimes it will be just about copying directories available locally.

All module repositories are fetched into a temporary directory.

For each module repository we read every module descriptor we can find. Each one is converted into an object and validated as well.

Once everything is done, we have a module registry prepared, but this is not enough.

Next step is to apply module overrides to the image object we have. Modules are actually overrides with the difference that modules encapsulate a defined functionality whereas overrides are just modifying things.

To do this we iterate over all modules that are defined to install and we try to find them in the module registry we built before. If there is no such module or the module version is different from what we request, the build will fail. If the requirement is satisfied the module is applied to the image object.

The last step is to copy only required modules (module repository can contain many modules) from the temporary directory to the final target directory.

Handling artifacts#

Each module and image descriptor itself can define artifacts.

In this step CEKit is going to handle all defined artifacts for the image. For each defined artifact CEKit is going to fetch it. If there will be a problem while fetching the artifact, CEKit will fail with information why it happened.

Each successfully fetched artifact is automatically added to cache so that subsequent build will be executed faster without the need to download the artifact again.

Generating required files#

When we have all external content handled and the image object is final we can generate required files. Generation is tightly coupled with the selected builder because different builders require different files to be generated.

For example Docker builder requires Dockerfile to be generated, but the OSBS builder requires additional files besides the Dockerfile.

For Dockerfiles we use a template which is populated which can access the image object properties.

Build execution#

Final step is to execute the build using selected builder.

Resulting image sometimes will be available on your localhost, sometimes in some remote registry. It all depends on the builder.